Jumat, 15 Agustus 2008

Security: PC Security

Computers are the most useful and well-known technical gadgets worldwide. Some use it for their livelihood, they used some playing on it and uses it for some surfing in the Internet world. Among those who use the computer, most of us do not know the right steps, the security can be taken to prevent unauthorized access to their machines. Many of us do not hesitate to surf the Internet wirelessly on all hotspots, without knowing the security, if proved to be a poisoned hotspot can be very dangerous. Most of the hackers trying to sniff data stored on the computer, without the permission of the owner. Taking some necessary steps can prevent that.

Types of computer attacks

There are two types of attacks, which a computer might:

• Active Attack

• Passive Attack

Active attack is something where listening is so that the data sniffer can sniff the data that is transmitted over the network. These attacks are difficult to detect, but can be prevented.

Passive aggression, of these, the intention to destroy other network security without aim, their data colds, but they are also harmful. These attacks are easy to follow, but also may be difficult to protect against them.

Remedies of computer security

The collection of different hardware and software designed to protect against data theft and other malicious be plugged under the term such as computer security. There are several solutions to protect the computer from unauthorized access by hackers and crackers. Hackers are the programmers who break the security of computer systems with an intension to steal, destroy or change that some data is also known as cyber-crime. Taking the view that a cracker is a programmer, gains unauthorized access to a computer without special intension, as the hackers. Some proper security tools can also firewall, anti-virus, anti-spyware, proper use of the operating system and browser, etc. Let us discuss them one after the other.

Firewall: - This may also be described as a protected wall or shell around the computer to recognize and filter out the threats that are trying to access the computer into a full unmeaning. A firewall is a combination of hardware and software is installed on the machine which helps to control the flow of data between computer networks. It helps to protect the computer, which hackers can sniff data without the permission of the owner.

Those Windows XP or Windows Vista operating system, they get a firewall is not worry, they only need to actively protect themselves from the hackers and other unwanted stuffs. But those who did not these two as the operating system, they must all other firewall software that is easily available on the market.

Anti-virus: - One of the most important tools for the security of computer systems is the anti-virus software. Although a firewall is always protection against unwanted access to the computer network, but there are still some malwares make their way onto the computer with the help of some attached file in the e-mail or files from the Internet, the firewall can not detect. For those malwares of anti-virus software can be effective.

Anti-virus software's are easily accessible on the market, does not cost much. It is sometimes bundles with a firewall and also in the field of security tool.

Some other risk factors are operating system, Web browser and many more should be regularly updated. One should not click on the links, there are unwanted e-mails, because they may contain viruses and other malwares. Some people also face when they encounter problems when downloading free software that in some cases bundled with viruses and spyware.

VTechCare is a revolutionary new PC support model for home users, home workers and telecommunications professionals leverage the know-how and experience developed over the last 20 years in an excellent technical support for customers around the world. Our service is safe, secure and efficient.

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