Minggu, 10 Agustus 2008

Microsoft Says: Xbox will Limit Avatar Use

Microsoft has provided a few more details on its new Xbox Live Avatar system, including how developers will be able to use them in-game, and how many avatars each Xbox 360 owner will be able to have on their consoles.

Avatars will be made available only for in-game play on ESRB E10+ titles, said Xbox Live GM Eric Kilgore. And, unlike Nintendo's Mii system, the Microsoft avatars will be one per system, at least for now.

"We are still developing the final policies," he said, adding that "The final guide we have this year is to think of them in an 'E10' context. That doesn't mean it won't change - but this Fall they won't be able to blow each other's heads off," he said.

As for players having a collection of Avatars, a la the Wii, Kilgore said, "the answer is a mixed one. From a user profile perspective you have one avatar for one profile. You can change your avatar whenever you want but if you want a new avatar you need a new profile."

Kilgore also said the avatar process is a work in progress, with future changes possible after the fall.


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